Get a safer, longer-lasting and better-looking area around your pool with our pool deck texturing service.
An untreated concrete deck around a swimming pool is at the mercy of the elements can be an accident waiting to happen. Sun, heat, rain, cold, spills, oils, food and more can all damage or stain your pool deck, while water can lead to mould and mildew growth. Plus, an untreated pool deck can be far more slippery, especially when wet, which can lead to a potential falling hazard.
With our process, we will grind your cement pool deck down, repair any cracks or damaged spots, use a hopper (texture spray) over the deck and then seal it the same day. We also sand it down to help ensure it’s not slippery, making it safer for anyone walking around your pool. This process will quickly give you a safer pool deck that’s sealed and protected against the elements, along with anything else that you put it through. This protection is designed to last for years, keeping your pool deck in great condition now and in the future.
A textured pool deck also adds to the look of your space, with many great finishes available to choose from. Contact us today to find out more about our textured pool deck service and the available finishes.